Market Place

Drive more Transactions through chats

PlugtoChat enables chat between buyers and sellers and improves customer support with a pre-built customized live chat API for marketplaces


Strengthen your marketplace sales with live chat

We help you drive engagement and higher transactions by connecting your marketplace's buyers and sellers through Real- time chat/interactions, thereby eliminating intermediaries. Integrating chat features into your existing web & mobile app using our pre-built UI, powered by highly secure & scalable Chat API & Javascript SDK, will deliver one-to- one or multi-user chat and propel your business value.

Ensuring secure communications between buyers and sellers

Never miss a sale or end up with someone choosing one of your competitors. It requires a powerful Chat API & Javascript SDK which gives instant answers for the potential customer's pre-sales questions and guides them to the products. This creates personalized attention and a quality customer experience while improving your brand reputation.

Brilliantly connect customers with sellers and product owners over a secured platform

Confidence in making a purchase is an essential element for buyers. More information about the product helps the buyer to build confidence in choosing the right product. With Plugtochat integrated on the product page, your potential buyer will get the required product assistance and finally purchase their desired product through a seamless shopping experience.

Real-time Marketplace Chat monitoring options for business

Keeping buyers and sellers happy with a smoothly running marketplace is a challenging task. Interrupted transactions could cost losing users forever. We understand your problems and have provided a chat monitoring feature that tracks every conversation between buyers and sellers.

A handy feature integrated to make you proactively handle the issue before a buyer or seller gets around to submitting a ticket.


Plugtochat keeps you safe from unlicensed dealers

Violating the terms of service, such as spamming buyers or trying to sell illegal goods are some activities we encounter online every time. The direct chat feature helps to identify users who do it.

Developing a direct chat feature from scratch takes a lot of time and resources. Our pre-built chat API and javascript SDK speed up this process, so you're rolling it out within hours.

Pre-built Chat UI for Marketplace

Plugtochat's Pre-built User Interface helps you build the experience with the UI elements with our SDKs and build the features & extensions you need to create the complete experience. Highly customizable and available for iOS, Android, & Web, they all work together, making cross-platform a breeze. With documentation that's best in class, in-depth tutorials, and demo apps for every platform, you'll swiftly figure out exactly how they work

Ready-to-use pop-up, Chatbox and inbox

Engage and improve your interactions with our chat pop-up. Want to try it? Come chat with us. Try pre-built chatbox and inbox to experience a different type of chat UI

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Chat API & JavaScript SDK with a
pre-built UI

Create an interactive and retainable platform for Healthcare, Marketplace, Education, Virtual Events, Social media & Communities, job seekers, and applicants to reach and respond to companies, recruiters, and administrators.

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