Hiring and Job Platforms

Get qualified applicants and source the right talent pools

Add direct chat and engage with candidates from anywhere, on any device

Integrate Applicant- Recruiter chat on your hiring platform

An organization should have the correct perceptions and insights regarding how to reach organizational goals. Plugtochat SDK & API for online hiring platforms delivers you all the necessary features to make it possible to add direct messages and group chats, similar to chat rooms and user to user chat on your app or website.

Integrate Plugtochat and source the right applicant on your digital job platform.

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Precisely attracting and retaining the right talent by employers through PlugtoChat

It is important to remain flexible and engaged to source the right talent for the companies. Reach the right candidates at the right time to unlock their full potential. Give your team and applicants a place to focus in public or private chat rooms. Share information, get quick responses, and collaborate to get work done.

Without waiting on emails or phone calls empower employers to reach out to their candidates for a quick question or to discuss.

Avail every interaction from applicants and freelancers through a secured chat platform

Applicants and freelancers have many reasons to stay connected with employers. Plugtochat tools provide exact features to meet your modern business demands from the first to last interaction. Real-time chats are provided with customizable options for quick communications.

Once you allow the PlugtoChat SDK to integrate chat features into your existing web & mobile app, it will deliver the user-to-user chat and turn in projects on time or keep everything on schedule


Real Time Chat platform that retains every interaction

Provide freelance hiring platforms with the tools they need to effectively communicate with each other ​and remove complexity to reduce the time spent managing the offline systems. Get yourself an online hiring platform with everything on it from the start of the projects to its after-sale interactions.

Create and empower your hiring administration platform with the Plugtochat SDK and API tools to meet your modern business demands. Make your agents more productive and engaging with candidates from home, office, or outdoors.

Chat API & JavaScript SDK with a
pre-built UI

Create an interactive and retainable platform for Healthcare, Marketplace, Education, Virtual Events, Social media & Communities, job seekers, and applicants to reach and respond to companies, recruiters, and administrators.

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