Get to know about PlugtoChat
You can do this if you are on PlugtoChat’s Standard plan or above. Go to your dashboard and click on role (formerly called configuration) heading.
We respect users’ privacy and disallow you to access sensitive data through the Javascript SDK. Instead, you can make use of our REST API to access this data.
Yes, users easily export data using REST API or by contacting us for a copy.
Email notifications are sent from a unique email address that contains an authentication code. Anything the user emails to that address will be included in that conversation. We have also implemented some heuristics that help avoid posting a message that contains a signature or quoted-reply text before the message is posted.
Our chat engine will allow you to build your own group chats and then use them. Using the REST API or the JS SDK, you can create chat rooms programmatically. In other words, you can add a button to create a group chat with particular people, use our API to create the chat, and then drop the current user into the chat.
The PlugtoChat system includes a heuristic that ensures that people who miss messages are notified quickly, without feeling like they are being spammed. An email or SMS notification will not be sent when someone is actively looking at a chat. If a user has not looked at a specific chat for a certain period of time, PlugtoChat sends a notification. In this notification, all messages will be grouped into a single email to keep your user's mailbox from exploding.
Currently, PlugtoChat does not offer third-party integrations. With a little programming, it's possible to create a custom integration. Using PlugtoChat webhooks, you can be notified when a user writes a message, which can be forwarded to a third-party service via their API. Use the PlugtoChat REST API (send message docs) to inject messages from third-party services into the PlugtoChat chat. The entire conversation will be mirrored on both PlugtoChat and the third-party service.
PlugtoChat needs a user ID to identify a user. By creating anonymous user accounts, users can be identified with PlugtoChat by using their user id. With our HTML panel feature, you can ask the user for information during the chat.
Yes, You should disable the pop-up launcher entirely and create your own, however, you like. When calling create a popup, set the launcher property to "never".
PlugtoChat Standard plan customers can transfer files between users. PlugtoChat currently supports the following file types: mp4 | mpeg |qt | bmp | svg | psd | pdf | ai | 7z | zip | arj | bz2 | gz | lha | sit | tar | docx | xlsx | pptx | txt | md| log | avi | mkv | mov | webm | aiff |aif | midi | mid | gif | jpeg | jpg | png | tif | tiff|
You can set the container's dimensions in your CSS to change PlugtoChat's height. To modify the width, you need to edit the width of two classes in themes: inbox-feed-panel and inbox-chat-panel.
According to the issue, the urgency of the request, and how many users would benefit from the feature, we evaluate each custom feature request on a case-by-case basis.
PlugtoChat lets you filter conversations in the Inbox UI based on multiple properties. You can, for example, filter the conversation list by only showing conversations that are unread and users can write or filter by a custom parameter.
You can choose to hide either or both the title and subtitle of the chat window. This can be done when you specify UI options for the Chat window.
By contacting us through our chat or sending an email, you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription.
You can remove or customize the chat headers that PlugtoChat uses by default. Check out the documentation associated with this feature or view the blog post for a more in-depth tutorial, complete with code samples.
PlugtoChat embeds inside your app or website, so all users who are logged into your app must be "logged in" to talk. Follow our getting started guide to get started, ensure that Identity Verification is enabled so that PlugtoChat is no longer available when a user logs out.
Yes, in the PlugtoChat dashboard, you can monitor users and conversations and pull the data via the PlugtoChat dashboard or via our webhooks.
Create an interactive and retainable platform for Healthcare, Marketplace, Education, Virtual Events, Social media & Communities, job seekers, and applicants to reach and respond to companies, recruiters, and administrators.